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Aiken High School
Class of 1971



Maybe you had chemistry class with Michael Richie. After two years at Aiken, where’d he go? Actually, all over the world. He traveled extensively in the years since Aiken. We recently found him closer to home and sea level, living in the desert southwest. There, he has taught, hiked, written, and worked to protect nature’s beauty.

He graciously wrote us a note, part of which reads: “Teaching Chemistry at Aiken High was a fortuitous, fabulous, career launching gig: great school; primo class room and lab; fantastic students; most definitely the ‘good old days.’”

A nearby photo shows just one of his treks—this one in Nepal, where he is shown having ascended to more than 17,000 feet above sea level. Mr. Richie plans to attend our reunion in November, and we know many folks look forward to seeing a teacher who made such an enduring impression and went on to create stories of adventure.

Maybe it was math with Tom Stark. We found Mr. Stark right here in town, still his ever-energetic self and only recently retired from 50 years of remarkable math instruction. In a long, energetic, and kind phone call, he recounted generously and fondly the then-early years of his successful and effective career, and his life-long passion for math and math education. He is a rare man and teacher, warmly remembered. Looking back, we’d all admit it was no picnic to enthuse a pack of adolescents about math. Yet, he did it. Mr. Stark has told us he plans to be at the reunion. Why? = Because Y = mx + b, that’s why.

We hope you will join us and others for the Class of 1971 Reunion, November 6, 2021, 7-11 pm at Centennial Barn. Mr. Richie and Mr. Stark have both voiced plans to be present, and we hope those plans pan out. Our search for other teachers is ongoing. [Please note: since this was published, Mr. Stark passed to his eternal reward, and we will miss him deeply and extend condolences to all who knew and loved him.]

Remember, tickets can be purchased on the reunion website, where you can pay by check (using mailing instructions provided at checkout) or by credit card. Check is preferred, by the way, since it saves us the processing fee. Cost is $60 per person, and includes old friends, live music, catered dinner and cash bar. If you have any trouble ordering, give website administrator Keith Brown a call for friendly assistance! 513-602-5544.

For the latest news, classmate profiles, or to buy tickets on-line, visit the reunion webpage.

- Christopher Press