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Posted on: Jul 22, 2024 at 1:11 PM
I was in Buenos Aires in 2006 and tried to find you to say hello.
Posted on: Jun 14, 2022 at 1:37 PM
I'm sure today on your Birthday, it just won't be the same. But I still pray and wish it's a good one Rick..
Posted on: Aug 09, 2021 at 5:06 PM
Diane, I completely forgot you and I have the exact same Birthday....LOL I hope I will see you in November for the reunion
Hey, Doug! I haven't seen you in a couple of years but look forward to seeing you again. I hope all is well. See ya soon.
Jay, I too always ran into Ron, and George on many occasions, and have a beer with both of them. Good Guys, I miss them both
Laurra, I did not know you when we were growining up in Mt Airy. I have gottrn touch with Tom Scmodel.. I went to school at Liittle Flower and I only got to know only a few kids who went to school at Mt Airy Elementry. I will be at the renion, looking forward to seeing you again. Go Rodeo Romeo, Bryan Go girl. Amen.
Tom, Talked to Steve S. today. He is A RETIRED DENEST. He as 3 daughters. His grandson is named George, he coache s his little league hardball team, imagine that. You have a better memory than me. I rember very vividly when Danny bleched his hair. I stilll work as a carpenter, at 68 years young it physicallly hurts. Willl you be at the renion.