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Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 162
     Profile contains photos: 159
     Deceased [Click on "In Memory" link to sort by year]: 77
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 162    Newest Members: 162    Latest Comments: 109  

Saul Aguiar    
Edward Ames    
Rusty Andrews    
Paul Baechle    
Vicki Berling    
Tom Bischoff    
Rick Bohm    
Jim Brown    
Keith Brown    
Bob Busby   
Robert Clark    
Jay Cook    
Barry Day   
James Dugger    
Kevin Durban    
Judy Edwards    
Virgil Gaines    
Greg Goodman    
Paul Grau    
Jamie Hall    
Victor Hall    
Sylvia Hill    
Patti Isbel    
Kermit Kinne    
Bill Kirkwood    
Ralph Kubiak    
John Lowe    
Nancy Lyman    
Doug Major    
Bruce Mangino    
Gregory Mason    
Jeff Mason    
Bill McCabe    
Mark Michael    
Brad Mueller    
Mark Mueller    
Bill Nadler    
Jeff Niemes    
Roger Paul    
Jack Penson    
Lora Peterson    
George Pille    
Bryan Puck   
Danny Radin    
Barry Ransick    
Scott Rice    
Joanne Rook    
Jay Schell    
Tom Schmadel    
Jeff Seibert    
Mario Stern    
Rick Stone    
Dan Strecker    
Don Tipton    
Tony Vetere    
Mike Walton    
Daniel Woods    
Gary Yearion    

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