Bryan Puck
Elizabeth Anne Puck Lawrence born Feruary 4, 1995
Bryan's Latest Interactions
Laurra, I did not know you when we were growining up in Mt Airy. I have gottrn touch with Tom Scmodel.. I went to school at Liittle Flower and I only got to know only a few kids who went to school at Mt Airy Elementry. I will be at the renion, looking forward to seeing you again. Go Rodeo Romeo, Bryan Go girl. Amen.
Tom, Talked to Steve S. today. He is A RETIRED DENEST. He as 3 daughters. His grandson is named George, he coache s his little league hardball team, imagine that. You have a better memory than me. I rember very vividly when Danny bleched his hair. I stilll work as a carpenter, at 68 years young it physicallly hurts. Willl you be at the renion.
Tom, I would like to get together with you when you are in town. Call me 513-941 5081, it is a house phone.
Tom, I Still stay in touch with Steve S and Gary Greer. And we wonder , what the hell ever hapened to Danie Davis
Donna Sue, I see your cosin Dale at St Ann's on Sundays. We were band parents At Taylor High School for lots of years. Dale is a good man.
Tom, my sister Nancy 'Aiken 75' remebers you. We were talking about your neighbors on Cindny Lane. You were proboly the only one who did not go to Littlle Flower for grade school.